Human Resources


Human Resources

One of the most important assets for most businesses, is its people. Choosing the right people for your team is crucial, and knowing how to keep your team happy and efficient at every stage of your business’s growth can be the difference between seeing it crumble to pieces or succeed even beyond your expectations.

Viola’s War-Life Balance Guide

Viola's new report, published in collaboration with Compete, provides valuable insights into the current “War/Life Balance” is... MORE

What Does it Take to Grow By 100 Employees Within a Year?

Recruitment has long been a major pain point for companies trying to scale. Employers have to shell out thousands of dollars in ad... MORE

Viola’s HR Survey 2019: Insights and benchmarks on attracting talent to Israeli and US startups

Looking to make your recruiting process more efficient? Viola’s 2019 Benchmarks & Insights on attracting talent to Israe... MORE

Human Resources leads at SodaStream, Playbuzz and Amdocs share their tips for effective Employer Branding

According to a recent Viola survey we ran among our portfolio company Heads of HR, all of the participating companies agreed that ... MORE

What is People Analytics and how to use it to your company’s benefit

People analytics is “50% cold, hard statistics and 50% common sense”, says Facebook’s Global Head of Workforce Planning, Ros... MORE

Ready to find your next job? Check out our Viola Careers website!

We continue on our mission to help local talent find their next opportunity, especially during these challenging COVID-19 times. ... MORE

How to hire a Sales shark for your startup

The following is a guest post by Inside Sales trainer, Danna Zakai. Salespeople are such an important entity within a company, th... MORE

6 questions YOU should be prepared to answer when interviewing a CMO for your startup

The following is a guest post by Moran Barnea, COO at Ion Asset Management. CMOs often play a major role in a young startup’... MORE

What your approach to recruiting top talent says about you and your company (and why it really matters)

Amit Ashkenazi is VP Business Strategy at Fiverr, and also formerly a Partner at Viola Growth. This post was written during his te... MORE

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