


Technology is advancing at such lightning speed these days, that it is both daunting and exciting to be alive at a time in which we are witnessing revolutionary steps forward in almost every area of our lives. Many of these leaps forward owe their origins to developments in technology that are the brainchild of brand new startups and innovative entrepreneurs.

Market Opportunities in Semi: A VC Perspective

2019 was an extremely important year for the semi industry in Israel. It started off with the purchase of Mellanox by NVIDIA for $... MORE

Will your startup be GDPR-ready in 2018? Here are 5 steps to help you get there.

The following post is by Ran Levitzky, General Partner at Magenta Venture Partners, and formerly a Principal at Viola Ventures fro... MORE

Why tech startups that learn to navigate innovation cycles and “think big” will shape the next decade

We spend a lot of time at Viola Ventures researching and debating areas of investment that we think will be instrumental in, if no... MORE

Why startups should ride the Innovation Wave (or risk being overtaken by it)

The following post was written by Ofer Brandes, SVP Strategic Effectiveness at Payoneer, during his tenure as CTO at Viola Venture... MORE

How Amazon’s Alexa is shaping the Voice First revolution (and why IoT companies should take notice)

This year’s annual CES conference was especially exciting for me because it was the first time I attended as an investor. With s... MORE

The revolution in container technologies and why we invested in Codefresh

Dev tools are not sexy. They are generally practical tools built solely to increase the productivity of development organizations ... MORE

Change Agents and how they impact new technologies

Amit Ashkenazi is VP Business Strategy at Fiverr, and also formerly a Partner at Viola Growth. This post was written during his te... MORE

Are there real investment opportunities in Virtual Reality in Israel?

Another month, another wave of Israeli-based acquisitions... and last month, one of them was the acquisition of Pebbles by Faceboo... MORE

13 experienced startup CTOs offer their top tips to first-time CTOs

The following post was written by Noya Lizor, who was Director of Content at Viola from 2014-2019. For many techie types (and mar... MORE

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