enSilo protects businesses around the world from data breaches and disruption caused by cyber attacks. The enSilo Endpoint Security Platform comprehensively secures endpoints in real-time pre- and post-infection without alert fatigue, excessive dwell time or breach anxiety while also containing incident response costs by orchestrating automated detection, prevention and incident response actions against advanced malware. enSilo’s patented approach stops advanced malware with a high degree of precision, provides full system visibility and an intuitive user interface and combines next-generation antivirus (NGAV), application communication control, automated endpoint detection and response (EDR) with real-time blocking, threat hunting, incident response, and virtual patching capabilities in a single agent. The platform can be deployed either in the cloud or on-premises and supports multi-tenancy. Founded in 2014 by Roy Katmor (CEO), Udi Yavo (CTO), Tomer Bitton (VP Research) and Ido Kelson (Chief Architect Engineering).
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