
Human Resources leads at SodaStream, Playbuzz and Amdocs share their tips for effective Employer Branding

According to a recent Viola survey we ran among our portfolio company Heads of HR, all of the participating companies agreed that ... MORE

My very own pivot: How shifting roles made me a better co-founder

[Viola Notes Editor's Note:] In the following guest post by Tom Pachys, Co-founder & COO of Playbuzz (a Viola Ventures and Vio... MORE

[VIDEO INTERVIEWS] Viola Group Founders & CEOs reveal what they’re looking forward to in 2017

The following video interviews were produced by Noya Lizor during her tenure as Director of Content at Viola (2014-2019). We had ... MORE

Why is Viola Ventures more excited than ever about investing in Consumer startups

For the longest time, it’s been presumed that Israel will never create great consumer-focused tech companies. After all, we’re... MORE

How to write a super-effective Press Release for your startup (example of “new funding round” PR included)

The following post was written by Promo.com VP Communications Hila Shitrit Nissim, during her tenure as VP Marketing at Viola (200... MORE

Why resistance to ad blocking is futile and what’s next for digital advertising

The following post was written by Noya Lizor, who was Director of Content at Viola from 2014-2019. As someone who used to work as... MORE

CEO Fun-Facts: Shaul Olmert, Co-founder & CEO at PlayBuzz

Shaul Olmert, Co-founder & CEO at PlayBuzz Age: 44 (you know, the new 30) Lives in: New York Significant others: Married + ... MORE

13 experienced startup CTOs offer their top tips to first-time CTOs

The following post was written by Noya Lizor, who was Director of Content at Viola from 2014-2019. For many techie types (and mar... MORE

Why lead generation needs to be your primary content marketing goal (and how to ace it in 3 steps)

The following guest post was written by Jonathan Nimrodi, Vertical Lead - B2B Global Marketing Solutions at Facebook. Content mar... MORE

The (Play)buzz on Shaul Olmert and why Playful Content is so damn viral

The following post was written by Noya Lizor, who was Director of Content at Viola from 2014-2019. When I met Playbuzz’s founde... MORE

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