Hadas Zazon Deutsch

Analyst, Viola Growth

Hadas is an analyst at Viola Growth.


  • Prior to joining Viola Growth, Hadas conducted economic research at the OECD on how countries support their industries with financial incentives.
  • Before that, Hadas worked at the Bank of Israel’s Macro-Economics and Policy Research Department. She focused on the macroeconomic effects of COVID-19, taxation of multinational companies, and financial planning for the Israeli metro system.
  • Hadas holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics (PPE Program) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she also completed a master’s degree in Financial Economics.


  • In her free time, Hadas volunteers at First, a mentorship program she co-founded to support first-generation college students in their academic journeys.
  • With six sisters and one brother, Hadas is a pro at teamwork – she’s been negotiating since kindergarten.
  • She is passionate about designing her clothing and occasionally wears outfits she has crafted.


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