Harel Beit-On

Founder & General Partner

(7 Posts)

The Return of The Israeli Discount – Reality and Opportunity

Back in the early 2000s, Israeli tech companies were valued at a discount of 20%-30% compared to their global peers,…

Bringing a true online experience to Insurance comparison & purchase

Our digital lives have changed dramatically in recent years; with the quantum leap in E-commerce transforming the entire buying experience…

SimilarWeb: An investment memo from 3 years ago and one for the 3 years to come

3 years ago when we led the round in SimilarWeb, I wrote a blog post, which was kind of an…

100 Exits over 10 Years: Israel’s thriving M&A market in the Age of Diversification

As international interest in Israeli companies continues to grow and more capital is committed to its innovative tech sector, Israel’s…

Why we just invested in SimilarWeb

At the risk of sounding trivial, digital presence of everything – news, people and companies – has become the primary…

[VIDEO] Israel Growth Summit: “Challenges faced by tech companies as they scale” (by Wix’s Nir Zohar)

The first ever Israel Growth Summit was held recently in Tel Aviv, co-hosted by the Viola Group and the Israel…

Never do the work!

All technology growth companies are faced with the need to scale their organization in order to execute on the opportunity…

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