Ronen Nir

Senior Advisor

(19 Posts)

Board Committees – Start Early

Board work is often perceived as “overhead” for many startup CEOs, who basically want to deal as little as possible…

The New Operational Model Post COVID-19: A Practical Guide for Israeli Startups

As the dust settles on crisis management, we have more energy to devote to thinking about what society, technology, and…

Ronen’s Daily Coronavirus Calendar

Viola Ventures General Partner Ronen Nir has been keeping a daily calendar tracking the impact of COVID-19 and the Israeli…

How the things we did differently at Samanage helped to navigate the company to a $350M exit

This is definitely one of the most emotional post I have written in a long time! Yesterday, SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI)… What made me invest in a company I turned down just 2 years ago?

When Co-founder and CEO of, Tom Livne, came to see me for the first time in 2016, he pitched…

Why I decided to invest in MOV.AI 20 minutes into our first meeting

20 minutes into my first meeting with Limor Schweitzer, the founder of MOV.AI, I already knew this is going to…

Sales Compensation in SaaS Companies: Viola Ventures Annual Survey (2018)

One of the most discussed topics among SaaS companies is how salespeople should be compensated. To see where Israeli startups…

[VIDEO] Ronen Nir on “Operating Leverage – Gaining Capital Efficiency Without Sacrificing Growth”

The second ever Israel Growth Summit (2018) took place in Tel Aviv in May, co-hosted once again by Viola and…

Marketing is from Mars, Sales is from Venus

In B2B companies, so much rides on achieving an optimal sales funnel, that if there’s a point in that funnel…

What’s in store for Enterprise SaaS? Some insights following Dreamforce 2016

We have just returned from this year’s Dreamforce ‘16 in San Francisco. In an impressive feat, Salesforce managed to bring…

The revolution in container technologies and why we invested in Codefresh

Dev tools are not sexy. They are generally practical tools built solely to increase the productivity of development organizations and…

How to set your startup on a healthy Path to Profitability

It seems that the tides are changing super-fast these days, with the entire industry replacing “growth at all costs” with…

The Startup Nation’s hidden challenges in 2015 and how to overcome them in 2016 (and beyond)

After reading quite a few end-of-year summaries about the state of the “Startup Nation” in 2015, a few conclusions stood…

5 KPIs to nail in 2016 to make it “The Year of Efficiency” for SaaS

It’s budget season and many companies are in the process of setting their goals for 2016. Whether a “correction” in…

Dell’s acquisition of EMC: Possible implications on the Israeli tech scene

Last week’s announcement of the acquisition of EMC by Dell in what’s turning out to be the largest ever merger…

Why startups shouldn’t confuse “Price” with “Pricing” (and how to tell them apart)

In many of my meetings with early stage companies, somewhere around the middle of the discussion when we move from…

Why CAC Ratio stirs up so many emotions

Whenever I work with our SaaS portfolio companies I notice that nothing stirs up more emotions (both good and bad)…

SMB? There’s no such thing.

One of the most annoying terms I come across every day is “SMB”. With the introduction of cloud and mobile,…

What lies ahead for SaaS IT Management companies?

As with many other verticals, IT management and core business applications are also quickly moving from the old on-premise licensing…

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