When we measure KPIs at Viola, looking at what added value we can provide for our companies is always fundamental. We ask ourselves, ‘can our portfolio companies lean on us for anything they need to grow better and grow faster?’
Early on, we made it a decision to allot special focus and dedicated resources to Human Resources and to build a proprietary infrastructure that gives our portfolio companies invaluable access to the Viola network – and all its resources — to succeed in their work. After all, HR is at the core of start up successes.
With over 100 active companies in Viola’s portfolio at any given moment, we took this opportunity to design products based on our extensive accumulated knowledge, resources, and best practices.
It is this precious one-stop shop idea that personally attracted me, after 12 years of working as in-house HR, to join Viola as head of human capital and lead this effort. Replacing the one-company perspective with a new model of 100-companies that can “lean” on us.
I have spent the past three years creating this unique infrastructure that assists our HR leads, in matters from hiring C-levels, to resources that HRs can benchmark themselves (such as compensation, attrition and engagement) to useful tools (such as COVID-19 procedures or hiring processes).
So, what can you expect from Viola’s HR?
Connecting top Israeli talent with Viola’s portfolio companies:
With over 13K headcount missing today in the Israeli tech ecosystem (and only increasing), our first goal is to assist our companies with recruiting. This brought us to build: Viola Careers, a dedicated career-oriented website that aggregates job opportunities from all of Viola’s companies in 25 locations around the world.
Instead of searching through different career pages, candidates can plug into one site to find their next opportunity. This platform generates hundreds of CVs every week and helps our portfolio companies increase the hiring funnel.
To assist with management hiring, we created a dedicated CV Repository, which utilizes our personal and digital network. This repository is continuously being updated with candidates recommended by people we trust – CEOs, VPs, our own partners and business network. This CV Repository provides an ongoing flow of high-level candidates to our portfolio.
Data is Gold when It Comes to Human Resources
HR is based on data science as it is on social science! We get asked on a daily basis questions like:
What should be the compensation package benchmark for VP roles?’ or ‘what should be the attrition rate this year vs. last year?
With data from over 100 companies at our fingertips — from all stages, verticals, and business models — we focus on collecting, analyzing, and producing valuable benchmarks that companies can use at every step of the way.
With the help of Viola’s BI team, we have released some exceptionally insightful resources including benefits for employees in the US, compensation for salespeople and hiring process best practices.
We’re Bringing This Knowledge to The Benefit of The Ecosystem: Viola4HR
With Israeli companies reaching new heights, scaling faster and higher, HR is only strengthening its position as a central component for growth, and we feel it is our duty, as a significant pillar in this ecosystem, to share our HR wisdom.
Which is why we’re proud to introduce: www.Viola4HR.com – a dedicated online space to help HRs best succeed in their HR roles.
What will you find on Viola4HR:
• Managerial resources – which will assist in your day-to-day challenges and decision-making
o All of Viola’s benchmarks on a variety of topics such as hiring process, employee benefits, compensation for salespeople and hybrid models
o Best practices from HR executives on different processes such as onboarding, refer a friend and performance review
• Useful tools you can download and use – from hiring process forms, to termination process forms and organizational analysis questioners
• Ideas for employees’ wellbeing addressing different occasions throughout the year such as annual trips, holidays etc.
• Suggestions for employees’ engagement
• Curated initiatives that we handpick for you to try out, such as a new platform for a hybrid work model
Viola 4HR – TAKE A PEEK:
We Started the Fire – But We Need You to Keep It Burning…
This website was built for the benefit of the Israeli HR ecosystem, which is why we’d like you to use it and also share your ideas. Together, we can pool our valuable resources for the benefit of other companies.
We are committed to review all suggestions and we will upload relevant tips to the website.
I’m happy to be in touch: timors@viola-group.com