The following post was written by Noya Lizor, during her tenure as Director of Content at Viola (2014-2019).
Last week we launched Viola’s new branding, developed by the talented team at AwesomeTLV. The concept for our new logos is based on the “V” in Viola and it has been very well received, but many have expressed an interest in hearing the “story” behind the new design (and frankly, we’re excited to share it) so here are our new logos and the story behind them:
First thing’s first: What is Viola?
Viola is Israel’s leading technology-focused investment group (with over $2.8 billion assets under management). We’re a multi-strategy investment house with focused, separate investment arms that partner with companies at various stages of their lifecycle, from inception to growth:
Viola Ventures (formerly Carmel Ventures) is a venture capital firm that invests in Israeli or Israeli-related early stage tech startups and empowers them to become global category leaders.
Viola Growth is a technology growth capital fund, focusing on investing in global companies at expansion phase.
Viola Credit is a private credit fund that provides flexible credit solutions for companies in high-growth markets, extending their leverage for growth
Viola Partners is an exclusive investment fund that offers private investors, family offices and foundations, access to Viola, Israel’s premier technology-focused investment group.
Each partnership operates independently with a dedicated investment team, investors, pool of funds, and portfolio companies, but shares access to added-value services, best practices and insights.
Why is the “V” in the logo slightly skewed?
Viola aims to invest in companies that have ideas and ‘execution potential’ that are so significant, they can transform industries. For that to happen, the founders and management teams we invest in need to be more than just ‘out of the box’ thinkers, they need to believe that they can disrupt entire niches and industries.
We could have gone with a nice, clean “V”, but we’re not about the familiar and predictable: We believe in entrepreneurs, companies and ideas that are intrinsically different and disruptive, so our “V” isn’t perfectly symmetrical – by design.
Why do the “Vs” in the logos of each investment arm have missing “gaps”?
Viola is an investment house comprised of a few investment arms. Our main logo – the skewed “V” – is the sturdy, strong and powerful “skeleton” that forms the basis for the logo of each arm, each represented by an additional layer in its own distinctive color, and each with missing “gaps” in different locations.
And why, you may ask, are there missing “gaps”? Because we’re all about PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS. Our idea of “partnering” goes beyond merely investing money, it’s also about filling the gaps in expertise, operational know-how, industry networks, data and benchmarks, and basically all the things that a young and growing company lacks and can leverage from the collective experience of a 30+ strong investment team and the value-add services they offer.
So there you have it! Not just pretty logos, they actually mean something. And we couldn’t be more excited about our fresh new look 🙂