Viola’s 2022 annual survey on employee benefits for Israeli tech companies reveals valuable benchmarks that can support HR activity with relevant data.
The survey included 35 start-ups with operation in Israel.
Here are the main insights:
• More than 50% give over NIS 6000 as an incentive for their refer a friend program.
• Average welfare budget is higher than past years. 1/3 of the companies provide more than 2000$ per employee.
• Companies show willingness to provide fathers a lot more vacation days after the birth of their children.
• 50% of the companies don’t require a medical certificate from the employees.
• 77% of the companies have an ESOP plan, mostly with a vesting period of 4 years.
• More companies are providing study funds (an increase of almost 20% ).
• 97% of the companies provide subsidized meals.